The Company We at Gesproyec Ingeniería e Instalaciones S.L. understand the worries of our clients, who can be absolutely certain to have put their projects in highly professional and responsible hands. Our knowledge, skills and methodology ensure a timely, economical, customized and quality delivery of any project. For this reason, our clients can rest assured that work is always carried out in a serious and professional fashion.
By drawing upon the experience of professionals from all fields of knowledge involved, we are able to provide our clients with coordinated and consistent services, and to deliver high-quality projects and installations. In each project and/or installation, the engineer and/or technician is responsible for coordinating his or her work in line with the specifications of the client, who always forms an integral part of our team. For this reason, we communicate with all our clients on a regular basis and in a highly consistent manner through different channels such as telephone, e-mail, video conferencing or face-to-face meetings.
Nowadays project and installation demands require immediate solutions, and problems of any kind have to be solved quickly. In order to achieve this, our team is always up to date regarding new developments on the market and knows what works and what doesn't in each individual case. This enables us to make appropriate decisions and to inform our clients about them without delay.
It is also the reason why all our projects and installations can really be seen as a coordinated sum total of individual instant solutions elaborated by experts in different disciplines. Instead of loss of time, we provide an accumulation of solutions, allowing our clients to follow the progress of their projects in real time. In times like ours, new rules and regulations enter into force on a daily basis, making swiftness a crucial factor and the key to the specialization of our team.
But apart from all this, we know that clients also need to concentrate on maximum profitability when analysing how their project is being carried out and handled. For this reason and thanks to our unique assessment and working methods, we are able to offer our clients highly economical solutions that contribute to the optimization of their investment.
With Gesproyec Ingeniería e Instalaciones S.L. you can be absolutely certain that your project and/or installation will be taken care of in a highly cost-effective manner.
Our History The company Gesproyec Ingeniería e Instalaciones first emerged in August 2007 under the name of Gesproyec Ingenieros S.C.P. in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Due to the rapid growth of the company, our corporate form was changed one year later, in September 2008, and the company was given its present name Gesproyec Ingeniería e Instalaciones S.L. Organizational Structure
At the moment, Gesproyec Ingeniería e Instalaciones S.L. consists of six different departments: - Commerce and Advertising.
- Engineering and Planning.
- Installations.
- Legalization and Certification.
- Administration.
- Management.
Visions Our corporate vision is as follows:
by actively participating in the development of regional key sectors and the protection of the environment, we strive to become an authentic company of reference in the Canary Islands in the engineering, installations, legalizations and renewable energies sector, as far as construction, maintenance and repair work is concerned.
Mission Statement Our corporate mission is as follows: to satisfy our clients, their partners, employees and suppliers by being an efficient, ethically responsible, dynamic and visionary company that offers a broad range of services in the construction sector. We consider ongoing technological development, the implementation of environmentally sound systems, as well as research and innovation with regard to the development of new services to be integral tools to achieve this. By generating stable and dignified employment with fair pay, we also strive to make an integral contribution to the improvement of this region's social situation. One of our highest priorities is to value and to stimulate the human and professional development of our employees, recognizing them as our most valuable assets.
Corporate Values Our corporate culture is based largely on the following corporate values: